Trainings and workshops

Drawing from my backgrounds in art, movement practices and social sciences, I develop trainings, workshops and education programs in body awareness. My classes aim at heightening the participants’ awareness of their individual body, the way they move through and attune to their environment and how they relate other bodies. 


As a facilitator, my goal is to train attentive, attuned, well-calibrated and healthy bodies. My classes shed light on how bodies act and are enacted, how they attune to their environment and how they are moved by personal patterns, thoughts and histories. I address themes such as posture and attitude, breath and movement patterns, environment and social context, group dynamics and processes, presence and performativity and more generally individual and collective sensitivity. Increasing body and social awareness contributes to health, vitality, social skills, consciousness and overal understanding of our selves, our patterns and our environment. Interventions, training and workshops are tailored for each specific group, context and situation.


To get an impression of previous trainings, workshops interventions take a look at the portfolio or contact for more information. 


If you are interested in a workshop, training or program you can use the contact form to receive information about prices, terms and conditions. 

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.